Jos jedna uspesna analiza / One more successful analysis

Nadamo se da ste nas i danas ispratili, nasi prognozeri su ponovo bili uspesniji od bookmaker-a . Pratite nas i dalje, spremamo Vam nove detaljne analize . I jos jedno obavestenje, prvih 10 pratilaca koji nas komentarisu ili reklamiraju, bice ubaceni u listu ''gold members'' tj. dobijace besplatne analize zauvek, sve sto je potrebno je da nam ostave e-mail adresu. Vas ELGURU tim!

We hope that you are followed us today, our forecasters were again more successful than a bookmakers. Stay tuned, we are preparing a new detailed analysis. One more notice from us, the first 10 followers that will comment or advertise us will be inserted in the list of '' gold members' so they will get free  analysis forever, all you need to do is to send us your e-mail address. Your ELGURU team!


Популарни постови са овог блога

Njukasl - Totenhem

Kristal Palas - Hadersfild

Rusija Ž U19 - Australija Ž U19