Veoma uspesno evroligasko kolo/ Very successful round of Euroleague

Nadamo se da nam sada verujete i da cete nas ubuduce redovno pratiti. Do kraja meseca cemo redovno izbacivati analize i statisticke podatke, pratite kako radimo pa nam ostavite po koji komentar, ukoliko ste zadovoljni. Vas ELguru tim!

We hope that you can believe us now and that you will follow our posts regulary. By the end of the month we will regularly post analysis and statistics of many games, follow our work and if you are satisfied, leave us a  feedback. Your ELguru team!


Популарни постови са овог блога

Njukasl - Totenhem

Kristal Palas - Hadersfild

Rusija Ž U19 - Australija Ž U19